Chandrayaan 3 Launched: Mission Acomplished 2023

Image Credit: India Today

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has launched its 3rd Lunar Mission- Chandrayaan 3 on Friday, 14th July 2023.

Chandrayaan 3 is a heavylift LVM3-M4 rocket has been launced from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota.

Chandrayaan 3- will hold its journey over a month before landing on the Moon’s Surface later in August 2023

With a successs landing of Chandrayaan 3 mission, India will become the 4thcountry to achieve it.

For your knowledge before this mission, 3 countries had already passed this mission, the country named are United States, China, and the former Soviet Union.

The Spacecraft launched on a GSLV Mark 3 (LVM 3-M4) is a heavylift launch vehicle.

Chandrayaan 3 Spacecraft comprises a propulsion model, lander and rover in 2023.

According to ISRO, this mission measures a successful  landing.