Chandrayaan-2 VS Chandrayaan 3-Know The Difference

Image Credit: India Today

Chandrayaan 3 Launched: Mission Acomplished 2023

ISRO has launched its 3rd Lunar Mission- Chandrayaan 3 14thJuly 2023.

Chandrayaan 3, a heavylift LVM3-M4 rocket has been launced from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, India.

After successful mission of Chandrayaan 3, India will become the 4th country to achieve it after United States, China, and the former Soviet Union.

Everyone wants to know the difference between Chandrayaan  2 and Chandrayaan 3: Let’s have a look

Chandrayaan 2: having 3 Components-  1. Orbiter 2. Lander 3. Rover

Chandrayaan 2 Vs Chandrayaan 3: Components

Chandrayaan 3 having  a propulsion model added in palce of the orbiter.

Chandrayaan 2 Vs Chandrayaan 3: Components

Chandrayaan 2: 3850 Kg Chandrayaan 3: 3900 Kg

Chandrayaan 2 Vs Chandrayaan 3: Weight

Chandrayaan 2 was designed for a longer duration about 7 years Chandrayaan 3 is designed for a fixed duration about 3 to 6 months

Chandrayaan 2 Vs Chandrayaan 3: Life Duration

Chandrayaan 2 had completed its journey from earth to moon in 48 days. Chandrayaan 3 had its estimated journey and completed within about 42 days

Chandrayaan 2 Vs Chandrayaan 3: Travel Time

Chandrayaan 2 had completed its journey from earth to moon in 48 days. Chandrayaan 3 had its estimated journey and completed within about 42 days

Chandrayaan 2 Vs Chandrayaan 3: Travel Time